Seaforth Engineering Group Inc. was contracted by Intec Engineering to conduct a hydrographic and geophysical survey of the proposed LNG Calypso Deep Water Port Project facility site off the Florida coast. The survey was several weeks in duration and involved the mobilization and execution of a complex integrated survey operation.
Acquired survey data allowed for an accurate interpretation of water depths and seabed profiles; the establishment of seabed and shallow sub-geological and geotechnical parameters; potential geological, biological features, archaeological features, and/or geotechnical phenomena that may have the potential to influence the construction or operation of the proposed site. Any significant features were Identified and mapped.
Throughout the campaign, special attention was given to identification and charting of possible boulders, hard-grounds, reefs, shallows, areas of archaeological or cultural significance, shipwrecks, and manmade structures, facilities and debris. All man-made structures, significant debris or cultural resources within the immediate vicinity of the site were identified and mapped. Fishing gear and fishing gear scar positions were also mapped to provide an assessment of their density and orientation.
Throughout the campaign, special attention was given to identification and charting of possible boulders, hard-grounds, reefs, shallows, areas of archaeological or cultural significance, shipwrecks, and manmade structures, facilities and debris. All man-made structures, significant debris or cultural resources within the immediate vicinity of the site were identified and mapped. Fishing gear and fishing gear scar positions were also mapped to provide an assessment of their density and orientation.