Offshore Wind

Seaforth has provided survey services in support of the construction of the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm. The Vineyard Wind 1 project area is located 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, Mass., located in the US federal wind energy area OCS-A-0501.

Seaforth has worked in support of the generation of Green Hydrogen in Atlantic Canada.  Seaforth, has conducted an initial seabed survey in St. George’s Bay, Newfoundland, off shore of Stephenville for the potential placement of offshore wind turbines that could produce energy for the creation of green hydrogen.  This survey work was conducted in partnership with the Mi’kmaq Alsumk Mowimsikik Koqoey Association  and Horizon Maritime.

The Scotian shelf, offshore of Nova Scotia, is an area that developers are now viewing as a potential location for the deployment of offshore wind. Seaforth has participated in desktop studies relating to offshore wind turbines on the Scotian shelf.

  • Scotian Shelf Offshore Wind Desktop Study
  • Nova East Wind Geological & Geotechnical Desktop Study