The FORCE Environmental Effects Monitoring Program has been in place since an initial test turbine was temporarily positioned in the water in 2009. Seaforth has been contributing by researching and monitoring the effects of tidal power in the Bay of Fundy.
In January 2011, a sidescan sonar and towed video camera survey was conducted at the reference site to determine conditions on the sea bottom after the recovery of the turbine assembly. Sonograms and sidescan sonar mosaics were interpreted, compared and contrasted with previously collected multibeam bathymetry, derived backscatter and slope imagery. This was done to determine both natural change and possible effects of the turbine placement, operation and removal over the course of one year. The analysis showed no detectable seabed change at the Reference Site since the original data was collected over 5 years ago.
For more information on the FORCE project, you can visit the Visitors Centre in Parrsboro which opened last summer, or read more of the reports pertaining to Seaforth’s work.