Nigeria National Boundary Commission (NBC)

Project management, data acquisition, scientific and technical analysis in support of the preparation of Nigeria’s Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS). Services provided by Seaforth Geosurveys included maritime boundary delimitation and drafting of associated accompanying legislation, desk top study, and the turnkey solution for the complete submission to the CLCS at the United Nations. Additional services in support of the submission included management and quality-control of 2D high-speed multichannel seismic (HSMCS), subbottom profiler and multibeam echosounder data acquisition in the Gulf of Guinea, training of NBC staff in CARIS LOTS, CARIS GIS, and Article 76 criteria, and familiarization training of Nigerian government executives in the preparation and presentation of the submission. Seaforth also provided and installed a turnkey CARIS based GIS technology centre at NBC in Abuja.

Training in Marine Resource Data Management: Nigeria