Seaforth Engineering Group Inc. was contracted by INTEC Engineering on behalf of Suez LNG NA for Neptune LNG LLC to conduct geotechnical and geophysical surveys of a proposed subsea pipeline route and LNG deepwater port.
Neptune LNG LLC is filing an application for a license to construct, own, and operate a deepwater port near Boston, Massachusetts. The proposed deepwater port named “Neptune” will receive and vaporize Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
Survey data allowed for an accurate interpretation of water depths and seabed profiles, the establishment of seabed and shallow sub-geological and geotechnical parameters. It also identified potential geological, and/or geotechnical phenomena that may have the potential to influence the construction or operation of the proposed development.
Throughout the campaign, special attention was given towards marine infrastructure, fishing infrastructure and local fishing practices. All man-made structures, significant debris and/or cultural resources within the immediate vicinity of the route corridor were positioned and mapped. Positions and orientation of fishing gear scars were noted with assessment of their density and orientation.