Submarine Cable Surveys

Seaforth has conducted numerous cable route surveys for telecommunications fibre-optic cables, power cables & pipelines, for a variety of clients all around the world.  Seaforth has experience in all stages, including initial route reconnaissance surveys, detailed route hazard surveys, to post-lay inspection surveys.

In general terms, Seaforth collects high-resolution bathymetry, geophysical and geotechnical datasets along cable route corridors to provide clients with information suitable for use in cable system design, development and subsequent maintenance.  The data would allow decisions to be made concerning the marine installation procedures, the extent of cable armouring required, and burial along proposed routes.

Seaforth utilizes a host of equipment to collect the needed, multibeam bathymetry, sidescan imagery, magnetic anomaly data, subbottom profiles and geotechnical information, such as cores, CPT and surficial grab samples.

To conduct post-lay inspections, Seaforth has utilized ROV mounted HD video, multbeam and sidescan sonars to determine the condition of existing cables.

Seaforth’s most recent experience has been in Canada’s North.  Seaforth has conducted telecommunication cable route surveys in the southern portion of Hudson’s Bay for KNET and in Ungava Bay for the EAUFON phase 3.  In the spring of 2024, Seaforth, subcontracted to PSL, conducted a power cable route survey offshore of Paraiso, Mexico for offshore oil installations.

Some examples of Seaforth’s experiences include:

Cable Route Surveys

Post Lay Inspection Surveys