The detection and removal of fishing Ghost Gear (lost fishing equipment) is one of the latest environmental hot button issues.
Seaforth has conducted several Ghost Gear searches for a variety of clients in Eastern Canadian waters. Seaforth utilizes High Frequency Sidescan Sonar as the primary means of ghost gear detection with the sonar acoustically positioned using a USBL system; and has found this to be the best equipment mix for the detection of ghost gear.
It has been determined that ghost gear is most easily identified on seabed areas that are classified as soft bottom (silts, muds and sands or gravel).
Seaforth has found that the knowledge of local fishers is key to successful surveys as they possess the knowledge of where fishing occurs and where gear tends to be lost. Seaforth is currently working with Homerus Inc. to develop add-ons to lobster traps to make them more detectable in sonar data.
Ghost Gear, Sonar Reflector Testing
Annapolis Basin Ghost Gear Survey