
Seaforth Owned Equipment
Click the images below for more information on specific systems that Seaforth owns.

Positioning and Navigation:

Hemisphere VS330

SBG Ekinox 2 IMU / Navsight


Multibeam Echosounders:

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Edgetech 6205

R2Sonic 2024 / 2026

Sidescan Sonars:

Edgetech 4205 Sidescan

Subbottom Profiliers & Transducers:

Knudsen 3260 Subbottom Profilier

Knudsen 3212 Subbottom Profilier

Seaforth owns a number of transducers in the range of 3.5 – 200 kHz.


Geometrics G-883 (TVG Gradiometer Configuration)

Sound Velocity Profiliers:

Oceanscience Underway CTD


Valeport Swift




Marine Winches:

  • CSW-7 Marine electric winch
  • CSW-10 Marine electric winch
  • Harrison & Robins hydraulic winch


RIC5500 Vibracorer


Gravity Corer

Grab sampler

Seaforth maintains relationships with multiple equipment rental agencies in North America and Europe for when extra or specialized equipment is required.

VS330 GNSS Receiver

The VS330 is a vector GNSS L1/L2 RTK receiver, with a an RTK accuracy of 10mm + 1ppm in the horizontal and 20mm + 2ppm in the vertical. The VS330 is capable of receiving satellite based corrections from a number of vendors.

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Ekinox 2 IMU

Seaforth maintains two SBG Ekinox 2 IMU  / Navsight processing unit pairs for use onboard survey vessels.

The Ekinox2-U Navsight provides solutions for vessel attitude; roll (0.02° RMS), pitch (0.02° RMS), heading (0.05° RMS), heave (5cm), and delayed heave (<2.5cm).

When a multibeam system is mobilized, it is Seaforth’s practice to mount the Ekinox IMU as close to the multibeam head as possible; either on the multibeam frame itself, or at the top of an over the side pole to minimize lever arms and provide the highest quality of motion and vibration compensation.

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Hemisphere R220 RTK

Seaforth has a Hemisphere R220 RTK base station and rover setup for use in survey scenarios close to shore.  The base station unit is setup over a known survey monument and RTK corrections are sent to the rover unit.

The R220 is an L1 & L2 RTK with carrier phase DGPS receiver with 12 channels.  The receiver can operate in Autonomous, SBAS, DGPS, RTK and can receive OmniSTAR.

Seaforth utilizes Pacific Crest radios to facilitate the communication between the base station unit and the rover.

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Edgetech 6205

Edgetech 6205 Swath Bathymetry & Sidescan Sonar

Shallow water interferometric sonar produces co-registered dual frequency sidescan and bathymetry with full nadir coverage.

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R2Sonic 202X

Seaforth owns both an R2Sonic 2024 & a 2026.  Seaforth has used both systems singily and in dual head configurations.

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Edgetech 4205 Sidescan Sonar

Seaforth owns two Tri-frequency 4205 (300/600/900 kHz) sidescan sonars.

We utilize these sonars during cable route surveys to map targets within the cable route corridor.  They are also a crucial piece of equipment for Ghost Gear searches.

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Knudsen 3260 Sub-bottom Profilier

Seaforth utilized a Canadian made Knudsen 3260 for cable route surveys

Seaforth’s 3260 SBP is generally paired with a 3.5 kHz, 2 x 2 transducer array.

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Knudsen 312 Sub-Bottom Profiler

Seaforth’s 3212 SBP is utilized in small boat, shallow water surveys.  We have paired it with 50 / 200 kHz transducers as well as a combination 12 kHz / 200 kHz combination for use in mapping soft bottom and muskeg in tailings ponds as well as a 1 x 2 array of 3.5 kHz transducers.


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Geometrics G-882 Magnetometer / Gradiometer

Seaforth recently purchases two Geometrics G-882 magneotometers and TVG Gradiometer frame.

The G-882 is the preferred magneotometer for wind farm related survey work.

Seaforth has previously used G-882s on survey work at the Vineyard Wind site and power cable route surveys.

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Oceanscience Underway CTD

Seaforth’s underway CTD system allows sound velocity casts to be completed in water depths as deep as 500m without the survey platform slowing down or stopping.

The Seabird “Free Fall” CTD profiler is rated for casts down to 2000m water depth.


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Seaforth uses the AML Base-X SVP as a hand deployable profiler.  Seaforth’s Base-X is capable of casts down to 500m water depth.

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Valeport SWiFT Sound Velocity Profiler

The Swift SVP is rated to a maximum depth of 500m.  The SVP has a time-of-flight accuracy of +/- 0.05 m/s, and a configurable sampling interval of up to 20 Hz.  In addition to the directly measured sound speed, the Swift can measure temperature, pressure, conductivity, salinity and density.

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Gaps M5 is a Medium frequency Ultra-Short Baseline (USBL)
positioning system for accurate location, positioning and tracking
of subsea assets, from ultra-shallow water to medium water
depths.  An advantage of the M5 is it calibration is NOT required.

Seaforth utilizes Applied Acoustics 1100 series beacons with this system.


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Applied Acoustics 1100 Series Mini Beacons

Seaforth’s 1100 series beacons are depth rated to greater than 1000m water depth.


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RIC5500 Vibracorer

Seaforth took possession of an Ocean Instruments RIC5500 Vibracorer.  Since then, Seaforth has successfully utilized it during a cable route survey in the Hudson Bay.

The RIC5500 is a heavy duty electric vibracorer and is capable of operating in waters as deep as 500m.  The electric motor is capable of producing 3,000 to 5,500 ft/lbs of impact force, at a frequency of 1,500 vibrations per minute.

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The Vibracore-D is a small, shallow water vibracoring system.  The system is designed for small boat operations.  Seaforth is able to collect 2 & 3″ cores with the system in upto 30m of water depth.

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Piston / Gravity Corer

The Model PC300 Medium Weight Piston Corer will take up to a 3 meter (10 foot) long core. Up to sixteen
25kg (55 pound) lead weights may be added (8 are supplied standard) for maximum penetration. Core
lengths of 4.5 meters (15 feet) and 6 meters (20 feet) can be obtained when using extension barrels and
couplings. A sealed piston helps to reduce core compaction, and a stainless steel core catcher retains the
sample. A trigger release mechanism trips just before reaching the bottom, allowing the corer to free fall
to gain momentum and increase penetration.

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Sediment Grab Samplers

Seaforth maintains a large 11 litre Van Veen Sampler and a smaller Ponar style grab sampler.

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