Taltson Submarine Power Cable Project

In 2019 and 2020, Seaforth was contracted by the Arctic Research Foundation for the provision of marine geophysical and geotechnical survey operations for the Government of the Northwest Territories Taltson Submarine Power Cable Project across Great Slave Lake. The survey was conducted in three phases.

Phase one was conducted in October of 2019 and consisted of a survey along an initial route between Yellowknife to the southern coast of the lake and an additional route into Christie Bay, in the eastern arm of the lake.

Phases two and three were conducted during the late summer months of 2020.

The primary purpose of the first two weeks of survey operations, “Phase 2”, was to collect reconnaissance data to aid in developing a preliminary route accounting for cable system design, deployment, survivability, and subsequent maintenance.

Following Phase 2 operations, was the “Phase 3” Cable Route Survey. Phase 3 was designed and undertaken to expand upon the preliminary route chosen at the conclusion of Phase 2 and to allow for decisions to be made about cable armoring and burial. These surveys identified route obstacles, cable hazards and provided detailed information to support cable route and installation engineering.

Great Slave Lake survey data